Showcase Information

Woodworker’s Showcase

March 29 & 30, 2025

Saratoga Springs City Center
522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY

Entrance fee is only $15/adult per day with children 12 and under free (with adult supervision)

Purchase your tickets in advance online.

Your Showcase ticket includes:

  • Kids building and taking home toys at the Toy Factory booth (FREE!)
  • Turning your own pen to bring home (FREE!)
  • Taking part in classes on numerous aspects of woodworking (FREE!)
  • Checking out woodworking masterpieces such as furniture, housewares, musical instruments, carvings, toys, boxes, art and much more
  • Watching craftspeople bringing art to life before your very eyes
  • Shopping the vendors to bring home wood, tools and accessories so you can make your own
  • Shopping for handcrafted gifts at our show store 
  • And more!

Absolutely no prior woodworking experience is required to take part in the hands-on Showcase activities or classes. This family friendly event is a unique opportunity to try something new and explore other forms of woodworking and the range of possibilities!

New for 2025 – Group Discounts

Purchase 15 or more adult tickets to qualify for a 10% discount.
• Tickets must be purchased in advance.
• One point of contact for the group who will distribute the tickets within the group.
• One purchase transaction for the block of tickets.
• Tickets will be emailed after purchase.
Send group name and number of tickets desired to: [email protected]

NWA Woodworkers Showcase, Saratoga Springs, NY    NWA Woodworkers Showcase, Saratoga Springs, NY

Each year, the Northeastern Woodworkers Association (NWA) presents a fine woodworking exposition featuring hundreds of pieces of furniture, toys, carvings, turnings, musical instruments, and miniatures by the region’s finest woodworkers. Join us for our 33rd year. (Note: the 2020 and 2021 shows were canceled due to Covid-19.)

Woodworkers Showcase includes a woodworkers’ competition and awards, a special theme display, exhibits by guest organizations, experts available to answer woodworking questions, continuous free lectures and demonstrations, and special exhibits and sale of products by national and area businesses of interest to woodworkers.

The entrance fee of $15 per adult (children 12 and under are free with adult supervision) gets you into this amazing show. Tickets are available at the door or in advance through this website. As a reminder, there are no other fees for any of the items listed below which include professional lectures on numerous aspects of woodworking, viewing fine woodworking exhibits and visiting the vendor booths. Children can visit our Toy Factory and have fun making wooden toys they can take home.

Exhibits by Regional and Professional Woodworkers
Be part of the Gallery and show your work

This premier woodworking event each year is a two-day show held at the City Center in Saratoga Springs. It provides an opportunity for amateur and professional woodworkers to exhibit their work and to learn from their peers. More than 500 items are exhibited from all aspects of woodworking. These include small and intricate items, carvings and turnings as well as large pieces of furniture and sculpture. While this is not a juried exhibition, makers can elect to have their work judged by a panel of nationally known woodworkers.

Showcase Exhibit Entry Forms

The Showcase exhibit is open to all who wish to show their work, and there is no fee for registering items whether they are for display or judging.

Instructions and Registration for Exhibit item(s):

Please make sure you meet the submission deadlines on the exhibit entry application!

Continuous Seminars on Tools and Techniques

Lectures on a wide range of woodworking topics, presented by nationally and regionally recognized professionals and amateurs, are held concurrently in a number of lecture rooms throughout both days. Many of the 3,000 to 4,000 people who attend the show each year come for these lectures which are included in the entrance fee. View the PresentersView the Presenter Schedule.

Sales and Exhibits of Tools and Materials by National Manufacturers and Local Suppliers

NWA Woodworkers Showcase, Saratoga Springs, NY    NWA Woodworkers Showcase, Saratoga Springs, NY

Vendors and suppliers from various aspects of woodworking will have sales booths inside our 12,000 square feet space. If it is related to woodworking or woodturning, it will likely be on display and for sale in this portion of our show. This area features many ongoing woodworking demonstrations. If you would like to be a vendor at our show please fill out our Vendor Registration Form.

Continuous Free Demonstrations

Other features of the show include toy-making, wood turning, carving, and scroll sawing by local woodworking enthusiasts and clubs, You are welcome to visit their displays, watch the ongoing demonstrations, and ask questions to aid in your own woodworking projects.

Toy Factory open to all Children under 12

Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews to our Toy Factory where they can make their very own toys at no additional fee. Each child has the opportunity to go home with a toy that they put together. What a wonderful experience to share! Visit the Toy Factory.

NWA Showcase Store

Sell your wood creations at the Showcase Store on a consignment basis. Visit our Showcase Store page to learn how.

Mid-Hudson Woodworkers and Kaatskill Woodturners Association fund-raising sales booth

Mid-Hudson Woodworkers and the Kaatskill Woodturners Association will have a sales booth at Showcase in support of our new woodworking shop. Proceeds will go to our Shop Improvement Fund which supports our new workshop located in Kingston, NY.

We are seeking woodwork pieces from NWA members. The terms: 80% of a sale goes to the maker, 20% goes to the Shop Improvement Fund. This is an opportunity to build up our reservoir of funds for capital development at the new shop, as well as provide an outlet for NWA member creations.

If you would like to sell, please download the entry form.

If you can volunteer to man the booth for a few hours, view the slots available. Contact Wall Cook to reserve your spot: [email protected]

Lodging for Showcase

The Saratoga Hilton which is part of City Center has special rates for our show. Use the following link to make your reservations to get the special NWA Showcase & Totally Turning pricing: Reserve Your Room at the Saratoga Hilton.


Parking for the event is available at locations around the City Center including their own parking garage with easy access to the City Center. View Parking Map


Saratoga Springs has a host of fine dining establishments from formal to fast food and chain restaurants. Many are within walking distance of the event. The host hotel has a restaurant and bar as well.

Volunteers Needed

We can use your help. There are many volunteer positions available whether you are an NWA member or not. Work as much or as little as you want. Volunteers get free admission to the show. Visit our volunteer signup page.