Unless Indicated otherwise, all meetings are held at the Herm Finkbeiner Learning Center (aka “NWA Shop”) at 97 Railroad Ave., Colonie, NY 12205
Adirondack Woodturners Association (AWA)
General Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month (except in January and July when it is the second Wednesday) from 5:30 pm to 8:45 pm. Wednesday “Learn and Turn” sessions occur on all other Wednesdays at the NWA Learning Center. These sessions run 5:30 pm to 8:45 pm. The AWA is a member of the American Association of Woodturners
President: Steve Vanderzee, 518-727-6511 or stevevdz@msn.com
Vice President: Jim Lefebvre, 518-269-1989 or jtldc@aol.com
Treasurer/Secretary: Kevin Ramsey
Scroller’s Group
All Club members interested in learning to use a scroll saw should attend SIG meetings on Mondays from 5:30 – 8:00 pm. We are very committed to assisting members in becoming Machine Knowledgeable and Qualified quickly upon joining the SIG. Machine Qualified scrollers may also use the scrolling area on Wednesday (excluding the first Wednesday of the month) from 5:30 – 8:00 pm. The Scroller’s SIG is further committed to maintaining an atmosphere of friendly mentorship through community building, and promotion of scroll saw and general woodworking knowledge.
SIG Co-Presidents: Karoline Sears and Stephen Koonz
Contact by Text: (518) 290-0722 or (518) 595-9100
Kaatskill Woodturners Association (KWA)
An AAW Chapter. Meets on the second Saturday of the month at the Hurley Reformed Church, 11 Main Street Hurley, NY 12443.
President: Wally Cook
Vice President: Steve Sherman
Treasurer: Ralph Zimmerman
Secretary: Pat DeStefano
Contact: Wally Cook at wally.cook@gmail.com
NWA Crafters
Meets every Saturday and Tuesday, from 9:00 am until noon. The Crafters provide public service woodworking for various charitable organizations, including the Double H Hole in the Woods camp for children, the Shaker Heritage Society and the Make A Wish Foundation. Sharing information, fellowship and relating experiences are a major part of these sessions.
Contact: Co-leaders: Rick Bird (518-475-1346, biggrbird@gmail.com), Pam Bucci, Dick Flanders.
The NWA Wood Carvers SIG
Meets every First, third, fourth and fifth Thursdays at 5:00-8:30 pm. The goal is to promote the art of wood carving and to have a good time doing it. The only prerequisite is a desire to carve while making new friends. Wood, tools, and patterns are available.
Contact: Diane Balch at 518-885-9899 or signs@balchsigns.com
Hand Tool SIG
Meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.
Contact: Dave Parkis at 518-458-7242 for further details: dparkis@nycap.rr.com
Spindle and Pen Turners
Meets Mondays 5:30 – 8:45 pm.
Contact: Pam Bucci at 518-429-6440 or woolglass2@gmail.com
NWA Musical Instruments
Jon Hedman, Ray Puffer, and Eric Marczak
Contact: Ray Puffer at ray.puffer@gmail.com