Mid-Hudson Woodworkers

Mid-Hudson Woodworkers

(A Chapter of NWA)

The Mid-Hudson Chapter meets at 3:00 pm on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s Wooden Boat School located at 86 Rondout Landing, Kingston, NY 12401 (see map below). Members can attend in person or via Zoom.  An email will be sent with details and Zoom link. Note: there is no meeting in July. This is an opportunity to meet with other members and share ideas and socialize. Often there are presentations on woodworking techniques. A regular feature of the meeting is “Show and Tell” during which members can present and discuss their work. Members unable to attend in person are invited to attend the meeting via Zoom. Special interest groups are also available in our area. 

Members will receive an email invitation which also includes a Zoom link for each meeting.

The current Chapter officers are:
President: Bill Sterling
Vice President: Rich Cerruto
Treasurer: Patsy Boisvert
Secretary: TBA
Contact: Bob Boisvert, Membership Chair: [email protected]
Or visit the website: http://www.midhudsonwoodworkers.org