Fiske Fund

The Fiske Fund can assist you with expenses incurred to further your woodworking education. You can apply for a grant using an interactive form by clicking on the following link. Please review the guidelines below before submitting your grant request.

Fiske Fund Application 

Grant Amounts

Fiske Fund grants are available to individuals for up to 50% of approved expenditures for tuition ($100 or more) and lodging, but no more than $750.00 per fiscal year or $2,000.00 for a period of five consecutive years. Multiple grants are available to individuals, but the amounts awarded may not exceed these amounts and stipulations.

Award monies are disbursed upon submission to the Fund of receipts for actual expenses of approved amounts along with a statement or certificate of completion (if available) within three months of the class completion.


Fiske Fund grants are available only to current NWA members in good standing. The member applying must live within 200 miles of the NWA home shop, Railroad Avenue, Albany, NY. If you are not an NWA member please visit our Membership page and sign up today.

Terms and conditions

Fiske Grants are awarded subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Fiske Fund grants are awarded for courses provided by woodworking schools, programs, or instructors which promote the acquisition of woodworking skills and knowledge.
  2. An application for a grant must be submitted to the Fund at least 10 days before the course begins.
  3. A grant application is required for each course.
  4. Grants are awarded solely at the discretion of the Fiske Fund and no other rules apply.
  5. The availability of funding for any approved grant request is limited to the availability of funds designated by the Fund for funding grants.
  6. Awardees are requested to share their learned skills with the NWA membership. This includes individual or group reporting at an NWA monthly meeting or Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting, making a presentation, writing a newsletter article, or teaching a course.

How to Contact the Fund for Requests and Information

Questions and requests should be directed to [email protected]

Information About Woodworking courses

Thanks to the internet, there is a wealth of information available to those seeking out woodworking schools, courses and instructors. A simple Google search of woodworking schools, or woodworking courses gives you a vast array of information about schools and their locations. Most now have their own web sites that provide detailed information about course availability, etc.

Woodworking publications are also a great source of information about woodworking course availability. A trip to the local library can yield a number of leads. Another valuable source of information is your fellow members of the NWA. Ask around, when you are at a NWA function, most members know of or have heard of places and courses that you can check out.

Origins of the Fiske Fund

The Fiske Fund is named in honor of Milan Fiske, one of the eight founding members of the Northeast Woodworking Association (NWA). Milan donated his woodworking and lumber collection to the NWA, which used the money raised from the sale of the collection to establish the Fiske Fund for the express purpose “of providing individual grants for the pursuit of woodworking programs which enhance and advance the understanding and application of woodworking techniques and principle for amateur and professional applications”.

Over the years, the Fund has grown thanks to the many people who have contributed their time, effort and energy to make it the success that it has become. That success is also, in no small part, due to the generosity of the Fund’s many benefactors who have made generous monetary contributions as well as donations of wood, tools, and hand crafted pieces which have been sold at auction or by raffle, the proceeds of which replenish the Fund. The Fund’s status as a non-profit organization makes any donations to it tax deductible. Members and non-members alike are encouraged to consider giving to the Fund for the furtherance of woodworking craftsmanship.

The Fiske Fund Lumber and Tool Sales

NWA holds Lumber & Tool sales on a scheduled basis. Proceeds from these events go to the Fiske Fund to defray costs of woodworkers’ education as well as supporting NWA general funds.  Lumber, tools and machines donated by friends and members of the NWA are sold during these events. Consignments are accepted as are donations.