Community Services

The Northeastern woodworkers Association is proud of the work we do for our community. Below you will find highlights of some of our projects.

Glenville’s Center for Disability Services
The following photos are from a monthly Monday class NWA held for adults from Glenville’s Center for Disability Services. Since September, 2023, NWA woodworker and artist, Pam Bucci, has created wood projects for a class of eight men who come to the Herm Finkbeiner Learning Center. The NWA Crafters assisted Pam in making wood kits to be assembled and decorated by the students.

Crafters Build Sloops for Game Board

The NWA Crafters built ten Half Moon sloops for a Hudson River game board that the Cherry Hill Historical staff brings to middle schools. The game teaches the history of early trade at ports along the Hudson from NYC to Albany.

Half Moon—or Halve Maen in Dutch—was the name of the ship that in 1609, carried Englishman Henry Hudson and 15 sailors from Amsterdam across the Atlantic and up the river that now bears his name.