Upcoming Classes
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“Machine Knowledgeable” classes
Those who complete a class for a particular machine will be able to use that machine while under the supervision of a member who is “Machine Qualified”.
Past Classes
Heart Bandsaw Box Class
Instructor: John Slezak, NWA memberA bandsaw box is a jewelry type box cut from a solid block of wood. Drawers are cut out and all parts are then glued together, sanded and finished with a quality satin lining inside the drawers
Day 1: Make all bandsaw cuts and glue parts together
Day 2: Make final outside cuts, sand, finish and install pull knobs and lining in drawers
Bandsaw Box Class
Instructor: John Slezak NWA Member/Instructor
Experience Level for this Class: Basic Woodworking Skills
Description: Bandsaw box is a unique design configured from a single block of wood which allows a consistent look of color, grain and features.
Syllabus: Bandsaw Box is a jewelry type box cut from a solid block of wood. Drawers are cut out using a bandsaw and all parts are then glued together, sanded and finished with a quality satin lining inside. Fish shaped knobs are made for drawer pulls.
Kumiko Class
Build a Kumiko Panel (2-day class)
Instructor: Juliana Shei NWA member/Instructor
Experience Level: Basic woodworking skills helpful but not required
What is Kumiko? Kumiko is a Japanese style of woodwork. The process involves interconnecting carved wooden pieces together in geometric patterns to create a finished panel without the use of glue, nails, or any external tools.
Course Description
There are many kumiko patterns and methods. In this class, you will make kumiko frames and strips using table saw and use hand tools to create a kaku-asanoha design (square hemp leaf) panels of the size of your choice that you can incorporate into your project such as a wall decoration, box, or furniture.
Make a Finger Joint Box Two Ways – With Table Saw & Router Table
Instructors: Joe Carmola and Dave Mobley
Experience Level for this Class: Intermediate level – some prior experience with woodworking machine tools is expected.
Description: Students will build two similar lidded finger joint boxes they can take home – one primarily using the table saw and one primarily using the router table.
Students will:
- Learn and review safe operation of the table saw and router table
- Learn box joinery techniques
- Gain hands-on experience with joinery methods on both the table saw and router table
- Execute the necessary sequence of steps to build two lidded boxes
Turn a Christmas
Sea Urchin Ornament

Introduction to Woodworking
Instructors: Various
Experience Level for this Class: No woodworking skills required
Description: A five session Class.
Week one: How to properly handle and stack green lumber for drying and future use, and why. Learn to identify flatsawn, riftsawn and quartersawn lumber and properties of each. Learn to use basic shop equipment to safely prepare lumber for making a tool tote.
Week two: Identifying the parts of a bandsaw. Setting it up including how to install and adjust the blade. Proper safe operation of a bandsaw. Project: A bandsaw box.
Week three: Hand tools: Why use them; How to use; How to maintain. Project: A bench hook.
Week four: Basic wood turning: Introduction of tools and safe use. Project: Turning a candle stick.
Week five: Scroll Saw Basics: Identification of the parts of the scroll saw, cutting basic patterns and understanding the types of projects that are unique to the scroll saw. Project: Cat; Fish; Butterfly. Carving Basics: Safety issues of using a knife; wood grain and its effects on carving; demo of preparing the carving blank. Project: Carving a comfort bird.

Instructor: Matt Kenney

Make Your Own Japanese Style Pencil Marking Gauge

Oval Shaker Boxes