The Northeastern Woodworkers Association (NWA) is an all volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, dedicated to the advancement of the arts and crafts of fine woodworking through education, programs and activities.
Formed in New York State’s Capital District in 1991 for amateur and professional woodworkers of all ages, the NWA helps its members learn from each other and from outside experts, in a variety of ways. The association’s aim is to provide a common meeting ground for lovers of woodworking who want to know more about wood and the techniques for forming it.
NWA depends upon a large number of select committees to manage its varied programs and activities. It also relies on its Board of Directors to oversee all operations and assure that organizational goals are met. A copy of the organization’s Bylaws may be viewed here.
To join the NWA or pay your membership dues visit our Membership page. To give a gift membership visit our Gift Membership page.
NWA Principles
Education Focused
Advancing woodworking, in all its forms, through education and activities that encourage the sharing of woodworking knowledge and skill
Service Oriented
Using woodworking skills in support of community services
Committed to Safety
Providing education in safe woodworking practices and safety-oriented oversight at NWA programs and activities
Volunteer Spirited
Volunteering for the organization, recognizing that no NWA program exists without volunteers
Inclusive and Respectful
Open to any person interested in woodworking, without regard to age, gender, race, or any other characteristic, and committed to respectful relations among all members
Encouraging of Participation, Achievement, and Fellowship
Providing an atmosphere of fellowship at all NWA functions; encouraging the participation and woodworking achievements of all members
General Meetings are held at 7 p.m., the second Thursday of each month except, June, July and August. Most are held at the Herm Finkbeiner Learning Center, 97 Railroad Ave, Albany, NY 12205. Each meeting features a speaker on a subject of general interest to woodworkers, a brief business meeting, and time for socializing and refreshments.
At the general meeting:
A Show and Tell area with objects and projects provided by members is part of every meeting.
Other events for the entire membership include Family Night. A combination of woodworking demonstration, displays and socializing that is held in December. A tour of members home workshops is held in April, and a summer picnic with family and friends in July.
Lending Library
NWA’s library includes books and videos describing woodworking tools and their operation, techniques, finishing, tips, patterns and plans, dust collection and other related topics. Members may borrow on a monthly basis. The library’s books and videos are available at the Herm Finkbeiner Learning Center, 97 Railroad Ave., Albany NY, 12205.
Volunteers in the Community
NWA is proud to have shared the woodworking skills of its members with local causes and organizations, and the Association looks forward to continuing its involvement in the future.
Woodworkers Showcase
Each year, NWA presents a 30,000+ square foot, fine woodworking exposition featuring hundreds of pieces of furniture, toys, carvings, turnings, sports equipment and miniatures by the region’s finest woodworkers. Woodworkers Showcase also includes a woodworkers’ competition and awards, a special theme display, exhibits by guest organizations, experts on hand to answer woodworking questions, continuous lectures and demonstrations, and special exhibits and sale of products by national and area businesses of interest to woodworkers.
The Fiske Fund
The NWA provides an educational grant program named “the Fiske Fund” in honor of Milan Fiske, one of the nine founding members of NWA. The purpose is to provide individual grants for the pursuit of woodworking programs which enhance and advance the understanding and application of woodworking techniques and principles for amateur and professional applications. More information regarding the Fiske Fund is available here.
More NWA Information?
For additional information, contact us at:
Northeastern Woodworkers Association
PO Box 246
Rexford, NY 12148
Or Email Us: [email protected]